I think she's beautiful
I keep seeing all these horrible comments that she's so ugly. I personally find her beautiful....
I hide behind a mask
I keep seeing all these horrible comments that she's so ugly. I personally find her beautiful....
I hide behind a mask
She is beautiful. Absolutely lovely.
Her mother, Viva Hoffman Auder, was a Vogue fashion model.
SEE: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ea/9d/75/ea9d754944f4bc2150de93b0e5282e81--warhol-superstar.jpg
I think she was made up to look 'frumpy' in Transparent for whatever reason. It's like judging Charlize Theron's looks based on 'Monster'.
I agree.
She has a good face for an actress. Her looks are versatile.
SEE: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2013/07/14/magazine/14hoffman_span/mag-14Hoffman-t_CA1-blog427.jpg