MovieChat Forums > Gaby Hoffmann Discussion > You people are unbelievably daft!!!

You people are unbelievably daft!!!

Gaby is a phenomenal actress and an incredibly intelligent human. She doesn't fit in the typical Hollywood starlet box and you speak of her as if she in ruins!!

Just because other celebrity women have waxed and plucked and shaped their bodies into unessessary submission to a culture of lies, does not mean they have it together... In fact, they usually are far from any semblance of security.

When I see Gaby on Girls, I feel proud of her for being herself. I see a woman who is secure in herself. And that is the most beautiful thing.


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Daft you say Holmes? Daft!?! Hurmph ha hrumph!
SHe looks like a tranny. A TRANNY!


Takes one to know one.


I still think she is very pretty. She has done some full frontal work in Girls, Crystal Fairy and the new series, Transparent (which you can watch for free) and people are appalled to see someone who is not cookie cutter thin and has body hair (would suck for most of those people to have opened a Playboy in the 70s or 80s!). I am into girls who look average, normal like Gabby and Lena Duham. They look REAL and not completely faked and dolled up. They do not look fake. It's sad though people cannot find these girls beautiful because they really are and very talented too.


Great actress, and beautiful AND sexy!


She's been an excellent actress since she was a kid. And has only gotten better with time. Will always remain one of my favorites!

Been trying hard not to get into trouble, But I've got a war in my mind..



Virtually every thread is about criticizing her looks. This is why we need feminism


Open up McCauley Culkin's page and I bet you find the same.
