What went wrong?

Before there was Meg Ryan (another "What went wrong?") there was Melanie Griffith!

She used to be one of the biggest stars in Hollywood!


I genuinely have wondered if Melanie and Meg Ryan used the same surgeon. See also Renee Zellwegger, Jennifer Gray and others. Could it be the same guy?
It is apparently important for actors to be able to emote using facial expressions. Who knew?


I always respected Clint Eastwood because he just got really old looking.

Maybe for actresses it’s different.


Clint Eastwood definetly had cosmetic surgery at some point in the early 2000's. It's hard to describe but there's just a certain look that people who have had it have. If you Google Clint Eastwood cosmetic surgery you can see a few before and after pics. His skin looks tighter and his eyes a bit wider.


Perhaps you are correct but it really was not super noticeable.


I've thought about this and I think the trick to having cosmetic surgery is to do it gradually. But both Griffith and Ryan seemed to get it done all in one - face filler, lip filler, and they just look awful.

Elizabeth Hurley's 60 next year and she looks fantastic. She must've had some work done but she was probably wise enough to just have the odd procedure now and again.
