MovieChat Forums > Melanie Griffith Discussion > Just saw her on Hawaii 5-O

Just saw her on Hawaii 5-O

WTF!!!!! I mean WTF did this woman do to her face?????

Did she do the "facelift" herself with a pair of scissors and fishing line? Or the Popeil pocket plastic surgery tool.

Day-UMMM.... she looks almost as freaky as Suzanne Somers did after her surgery.

I'm gonna have nightmares tonight - I know it!!!!

Every day is Halloween for her now.


Agreed. She looks awful. Too bad because she used to be absolutely adorable. Now she looks like a burn victim.


Sadly, I absolutely agree, & I normally come from the "if you can't say something good, don't say anything at all" school. But, I would not have even known it was her if I hadn't heard her voice. I came on here to find out her age expecting to find she was 20+ years older than she actually is, & feeling sorry for her when I saw 57. Her face is so bad that I wouldn't cast her no matter how well she could act. It's very sad, she was beautiful once.


She could use a very expensive 're-do'.
It could help.

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.
