MS is a disease in which the immune system, for reasons largely unknown,attacks the central nervous system, or more specifically,myelin, the fat insulation which lines the nerves, enabling the transmission of nerve impulses. When the myelin is destroyed, electrical impulses aren't able to travel efficiently, and disability results. MS is very different for each person suffering from it. Disability is usually related to the frequency of the attacks a person has. The more frequent the attacks, the less time the nerves have to heal, resulting in greater disability. In my case, I've had some pretty bad attacks, but they were spaced very far apart, so I experienced an almost full recovery, with the exception of a small blind spot in each eye, and extreme fatigue when I haven't had enough sleep. People have died from complications from MS, but it's pretty rare. Many more people die from the flu each year. MS research is advancing all the time, and hopefully a cure will be found soon. Take care.