MovieChat Forums > Emilio Estevez Discussion > If he'd been a Sheen...

If he'd been a Sheen...

Has EE ever stated what name he would have chosen had he done what his dad and brother did and chose a Sheen stage name?

I prefer the fact that he kept the family name going, but I'm just curious as to what he might have been.


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Ruth or Michael.

Let me hear you make decisions, without your television


I think he would have been more successful if he had chosen better roles instead of Mighty Ducks and Mighty Ducks II and III, among other bad choices.


I think he would have been more successful if he could actually uh, act. He's just awful.


Don't knock the MD trilogy. Those are classics.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Sept. 14, 2012


Emilio came out of the 80s very successful but the 90s came and the Mighty Ducks ruined his career.


Why do people bother coming to pages of actors they don't like? Are you just so nasty you love to spread your hate all over?

I have no idea what name he would have chosen, I always thought it was nice that he didn't take a stage name.


The Mighty Ducks paid for the rest of his life.
