I personally despise the GOP, and maybe my prejudices/bias are part of the problem you're referring to, BUT in principle, I have a lot of respect for individuals who think for themselves and make their own minds up without being told what to think by the media (left, centre or right-wing). Whilst I'd personally disagree with him if he had taken Cruz's side, I still respect his integrity and open-mindedness in exploring things for himself. A lot of us are afraid to be so bold for fear of being labelled.
Like I say, I despise the GOP, but, in theory, I do wish more of us did our own research without fear of being criticised/censored. Unfortunately, too many people on *my* side of the political spectrum are very quick to attack and deride anyone who says "I do my own research," which is a VERY BAD LOOK. The left should be endorsing FREE THINKING and SELF-EDUCATION. It's anathema to mindless deference, unquestioning ignorance and elitism. Back in the day, it used to be a badge of honour among the left to question authority; now, it's liable to get you shunned.