How come he wasn't metoo-ed yet?
Apparently he had sex with a lot of women...
shareIf that were true, he wouldn't have to worry about me-too. Rhea Perlman would have killed him.
sharebecause most women can kick his ass if he gets fresh.
shareSince when does "having sex with a lot of women," constitute a 'Me Too' event? It is my understanding that the 'Me Too' Movement serves as an alternative to sexual harassment laws that afford protection to employees in a conventional work environment. Because actresses are not employees in the conventional definition of the term and are hired on a contractual basis, picture-by-picture, there was a gap in the law by which producers/directors/actors and other Hollywood big wigs could abuse actresses. It all came down to power - someone with great power (e.g., Harvey Weinstein) regardless of employer status could abuse that power to coerce aspiring actresses (with no real power of their own) into uncomfortable, sexual situations. So if Mr. Devito had consensual "sex with a lot of women," who cares? If he abused whatever power he has in Hollywood to get these women to sleep with him, that's another story. But I don't think there are any such instances, and any women who did sleep probably did so because they are attracted to him because he is a freaking comedic genius, to say nothing of his dramatic skills when he takes on a serious role.
shareMaybe he is shielded by a powerful entity.