MovieChat Forums > Vincent D'Onofrio Discussion > For his age, size, weight (Daredevil fig...

For his age, size, weight (Daredevil fight scenes) Fisk also, Punisher

I have a huge overanalysis i typed from my hospital bed doped up on morphine but after some deliberation, comparing Fisk to his Ultimate and 616, and PunisherMAX counterpart (the one that is the most physically similar, though not characteristically).

A 64-67 year old Frank Castle who had been blessed/cursed with some darkness, perhaps death, and through epic genetics and treating his body like a weapon is depicted as being more capable than Batman was in the Dark Knight Returns, 55 year old Frank never had problems like THAT version of Bruce did.

Though we aren't getting that one, we are getting mid-30s early-40s Frank, so basically him at his physical best though maybe not his Punishing best. He's ex spec-ops, maybe even approached by Fury (as in the comics, several times) to work for SHIELD, that would be an AWESOME flashback especially if they used MAXFury's speech to Frank. (theyn ever explained how MAX Fury didn't seem more than a few years older than Frank, too, but both men had seemed to be blessed by the spirit of War itself, perhaps, barely slowing down).

Looking at what The Hand is, and how tough Nobu is (My guess? Elektra doesn't start out as a newb, she is the gal that Nobu would fear more than he'd want to *beep*). Generally in the "Punisher VS MU" stuff he winds up getting Cap, DD, Elektra, Wolverine, using both tactics and just the fact he's maybe not an apex h2h fighter, but stil an Apex Predator, like all of them. He's also been shown as Natasha's superior, in fact The Avengers went after him and it was not nearly as easy as they thought. And this guy is more similar in terms of background ot Falcon or Barton. Considering Jon Bernthal's size I'd say we're getting A Frank that is only as fast as DD when drawing his firearms and other projectiles with an accuracy that is pretty damn close to Hawkeye and right on the money with Fury and Romanov at their best.

In fact I'd bet money a certain famous panel involving DD's first hardcore meeting with Frank goes very damn similar in the series, and if they do it right it's going to knock the piss outta everyone.

So all that said,I guestimate that if Fisk and Frank were to fight, say in prison, lunchroom, empty minus the metal seats and tables. and some utensils like forks and spoons. With those factors I say Frank takes it, barely. In the MAX version he was able to match a younger Fisk strength-for-strength, skillwise Fisk's big advantage is he was absolutely fearless and an apex street thug fighting the apex vigilante.

Batman's max bench is 800, Captain America is probably 2,000-ish, Spidey is close to 30 tons. Daredevil is Bruce Lee-esque, he's about as big as grown-up Peter, in fact he may be slightly smaller, anyway, he' prboably can do 500-600

My guess is Fisk has a circus-strongman, freak-of-nature, super tight muscle fibers thing going on where he can minimize his strength training without losing out on his strength quite as bad....Andre The Giant but more fit, that type of thing. In that case I'd say this Fisk is the kinda guy who can bend thick metal bars and balance 4 men on his neck. Unlike strongmen like that, he doesn't, and never has had to perform such tricks except to show that the fatty white American could roll with the dangerous Triads and Yakuza.

He threw Daredevil around like he was nothing, he was blood-lusted. DD was determined, I'd say they both recieved similar training, however it was just training that was and is meant to suit the physique and the character of each fighter bettter. DD is acrobatic, Fisk is like a sumo and a real wrestler mixed with pre-queensbury boxing and karate.

Daredevil seems to be Jeet Kun Do/Parkour-styled martial arts as well as some stuff that is all his own.

My guess is Fisk hits the weight room and even though ripped, younger, and definitely some bigger guys will be around him: He will be the one out-lifting them all should he chose it. I'm going with my amalgamation theory which is he's osmewhere between the MAX Fisk and the 616 Fisk so that puts him at about 900 lbs. I'd say WIlson Fisk is about as strong as Bane from TDKR who, I think, had a similar freakish strength about him.

As for martial arts, what do you think Fisk knows? It's more than street brawling but at the same time he fights with a ferocity that isn't untrained so much as...directed-savagery
