Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday "Pvt. Pyle"
Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
"Happy Birthday", Vincent.
shareHappy Birthday, Vincent
I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
Have a good one!
shareHB :)
shareHappy Birthday Vincent. Thank you for all the wonderful hours of entertainment.
Have an awesome birthday Vincent *BIG HUG*MWAAH MWAAH MWAAH*
Sarah:"hey wait! I know why you're not acting like yourself. You're not wearing your special helmet.*guessing from Dawson's look* see ya have the baseball cap but you're s'posed to be wearing this.*takes off her Thor helmet* here take mine. go on, take it."
Dawson:"you're giving this to me?"
Sarah:"well yeah, you're my hero."- Sarah & Dawson, "Adventures in Babysitting"
You're my hero Vincent & my favorite Thor