MovieChat Forums > Vincent D'Onofrio Discussion > Women actually find this fat piece of sh...

Women actually find this fat piece of sh!t attractive why??

He looks like he doesn't take baths, he's an average actor, he's fat, he's old, he looks like a pedophile and a rapist.

"Guns don't kill people..People kill people"


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Bit harsh aint it.

[ Don't get uptight with me, Man ]


Because classical good looks don't equate to sexiness in the female mind. There's some other quality, usually intelligence, which is why Marilyn Monroe supposedly headed her "men I'd like to boff" list with Albert Einstein. There are women who are attracted to actors like Christopher Walken, John Malkovich, even Mickey Rourke. Heck, back in the 70s and 80s, any actress or Playmate giving an interview for print media would try to lend some gravitas to her image by stating, "I think Woody Allen is SO sexy!" And *that* is truly creepy. Attraction is a mystery.


Hey bestintheworld, watch him in The Whole Wide World with Rene Zelwigger. That kiss is rated one of the top movie the world!


You seem very frustrated and jealous. First off all; the guy is a very underrated actor and always brilliant. Second of all; he's not ugly at all. And I'm not even going to comment on the other nonsense.


For me it's his perceived sensitivity. I know he's not any of his characters, but for me....I'm attracted to intelligent, kind people, and a lot of his characters epitomise that.


Okay, you probably won't like my answer. Why do women find him sexy as all heck?


He is frickin' tall, and bulky. Translation: Strong!

He has a nice, masculine face. He has "kind looking" eyes. Especially in his younger, thinner days, he is very cute! Okay he's no young Ralph Fiennes, but women like rugged looking men who look strong, yet have some sensitivity. Vincent has that so "Bingo!!"

He has a masculine voice. He seems like he would be a funny, gentle man, yet no coward/sissy.

He has a kind of funny walk, which is idiosyncratic. Again, women like a man with a little flaw. It makes the woman feel a little stronger, like he will appreciate her and not leave her.

He is confidant. That's basically sexy number one. It's hard to be attracted to an insecure dude.

Big man, thick man, thick hands, thick, big get the picture. Many women like that.

Enough or shall I continue?

Love me some Waltons
