MovieChat Forums > Francis Ford Coppola Discussion > Use to be my favorite director, but lost...

Use to be my favorite director, but lost respect

when he defended Victor Salva on molestation charges and forced the actor that was sexually assaulted to finish the film with Salva. Then told the young actor who was 13-14 years old that he would never work in the film industry again.


He directed nothing worthwhile after Apocalypse Now.


Well I would not say that is entirely true. I thought Bram Stoker's Dracula was very atmospheric and effective and thought he did a decent job with The Rainmaker. But despite those two films he never came anywhere close to his 70s output.


His Dracula film was a joke. Hopkins was drunk most of the time, Wynona and Oldman didn't get along and that showed in the performances and Keeneu is abysmal. And the brides were very underdeveloped/underused.


I agree with you on Keeneu doing a terrible British accent and giving a very bad performance, but everything else I must disagree on. I thought Hopkins did a wonderful job as Van Helsing and demonstrates his versatility by playing a role so unlike his previous one (The Silence of the Lambs). Not sure what you mean when you say Hopkins was drunk most of the time. Unless that impedes his performance, I really don't see how that makes the movie worse. While it is public knowledge that Oldman and Wynona did not get along, I do not think it impacts the performances, because I think Ryder is miscast and not especially good in the movie. Oldman did a decent job and made Dracula a more sympathetic villain.


after he dies a bunch of shit will probably come out about coppola. kinda reminds me of the cut scene with Woltz in the godfather


After you die a bunch of shit will probably come out about you. Kinda reminds me of the cut scene with Woltz in The Godfather.

See how easy it is to speculate slander and smear people?


Thanks for that. Who are these self-righteous fucktards anyway?


it's not speculation. he defended a known pedo and tried to silence the victim. So you and tumblrtale should kill yourselves.
