MovieChat Forums > Helena Bonham Carter Discussion > Isnt she a bigger star because if the ty...

Isnt she a bigger star because if the typecastings?

She alwys play freaks, Marla Singer, in al the Burton movies now in Les Mis. She is a great actress but i like her to see play a love interest in a nicolas sparks movie for example


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No. She is an amazing actress and has played a wide range of roles.


You are clearly not very familiar with her.


She plays normal characters in A Room with a View, Howards End, and The King's Speech.


The King's Speech, Conversations with other women, Till Human Voices Wake Us, The Heart of Me, The Wings of the Dove, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Theory of Flight are all completely different role I've seen her in, and yet I did not see all of her films (not even close).
It is true she got many similar roles in past few years, but there are many of her roles which are not crazy, freaky women.

Bette Davis: When I die, they'll probably auction off my false eyelashes.


Let's not forget The Wings of the Dove (herbest performance Imo)and Live from Baghdad. I love this woman


She played many roles that aren't"crazy".I would suggest you to watch her in these following movies:"Lady Jane"."A Room With A View","Howards End","The Wings Of The Dove","A Hazard Of Hearts","Francesco"(she actually play a saint in this movie),"Twelfth Night Or What You Will","The Heart Of Me","Henry VII","Where Angels Fear To Tread","Margarets Museum","Fatal Deception:Mrs.Lee Harvey Oswald","Mary Shelley's Frankenstein","Live From Baghdad","The Kings Speech" and "Conversation With Other Women".She plays normal people on all those movies that I listed.I personally also loved Helena in "Hamlet"(the version with Mel Gibson)but I din't list that movie because Ophelia turns insane in the second part of the movie


Well said elisabethmarisaschmidy...

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