MovieChat Forums > Helena Bonham Carter Discussion > Why do Americans hate her so much?

Why do Americans hate her so much?

Most of the negative stuff I hear about her comes from Americans. I've heard plenty of criticism from the British, Australians, Europeans etc but they usually have valid reasons for disliking her. American haters tend to be mostly people who only think she can be in Tim Burton movies and that she doesn't get any other work(I've come across this alot. How hard can it be to look up an IMDB page?) and unexciting, shallow people who hate her for being a "fashion tragedy".

I definitely remember her being famous(in England at least) before she started dating Burton. Is it because she basically grew up on the screen there and starred in loads of classic British movies that aren't really well-known in America, so they think she hasn't been in much, meanwhile she's basically A-list star in England right now?


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If so, probably most Americans just haven't heard of those films. A lot of those films are adaptation of British classic literature. There might be... let's say....culture difference.= =!
Most Americans may have only watched films like Harry Potter, Alice in wonderland, Sweeney Todd, and then get a conclusion "an eccentric weird woman who can only show up in her boyfriend movies", sigh...

I hate the idea that she can only work for Tim Burton, too. A small role in Toast or her performance in Enid can beat this, not to mention those movies like fight club, wings of dove, Howards end, etc.
But I do hope that she can cooperate more often with other directors in the future and have more roles like Queen Elizabeth in The King's Speech.

BTW, is she well accepted in Britain? I mean do majority of British like her work?


I agree. I think a lot of people don't think to look up some of her other work. As an American [United States] fan myself, I often find people who only know her for Harry Potter and Burton films. I wish they would just take the time to watch Live From Baghdad, or Conversations With Other Women at least!


I do not hate her, she is a wonderful actress. However, she can be annoying. I believe her best performances were in The Kings Speech which I believe she was robbed on Oscar night, Merlin and Fight Club. I like to see her no so over the top as she is in all Tim Burton films.


I've never understood this. How can an actor be annoying? Either the character is annoying or they are a bad actor. It doesn't make any sense.

And she isn't even over-the-top in most Tim Burton films. Her characters are quite normal in Big Fish and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and even Corpse Bride.


fight club!!! :D

"Go, live your dream" Flynn: "I will."
"Your dream stinks. I was talking to her."
