MovieChat Forums > Sean Bean Discussion > Can't have it both ways

Can't have it both ways

It's either pronounced Shaun Bon or Seen Bean. None of this Shaun Bean nonsense.


It's a Gaelic name. There should be a "fada" over the "a", as in "Seรกn" (which is the original version of the name) and pronounced as "Shawn".


I know. I was more just making a joke. Shaun, Shawn, and Sean are all pronounced the same.


Sorry, my bad. I'm Irish and I kinda get riled up when I see these kind of posts, because more often than not, people are serious about their comments.


No worries!


I think you can't have 2 different spellings. I mean he's Sean I think you should have made the effort to at least have it Shawn Bawn/Shaun Baun, or Shon Bon if you prefer, or Seen Been. I mean don't be lazy ๐Ÿ˜

* just joking ^^ disclaimer*

One of my favourite people is a Sean and he gets called Seen all the time.


Fair enough ๐Ÿ˜…
