MovieChat Forums > Sean Bean Discussion > Another Sharpe movie?

Another Sharpe movie?

I really wish he'd make another one. The last one sucked but the rest of the series is great, and it's a character that he really seems to enjoy playing. I've been sitting here for years with fingers crossed, I hope it happens.


I am with you. Hope he does one soon. Sharpe is my favorite Bean Character.


The problem is that he's too old to play Richard Sharpe now; the war would be long over.

There's someone in my head but it's not me.


There's always a war or conflict going on somewhere in the world he could be involved in.


He's too old to play Sharpe as the books have been written, but Bernard Cornwell is still writing books and Sean Bean is still kick-ass so maybe Cornwell could be persuaded to write something for an older Sharpe.


Already done, I believe it was called Sharpe's Devil. I never read it but I believe the story was something like, Sharpe and Harper are tasked with finding the Spanish major he meets in Rifles, on their journeys they visit Napoleon in his exile. I believe Sharpe is a similar age to Sean in that book.

I don't know if it is literally the last Sharpe book he wrote but it is supposed to be the final book chronologically

The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister!


I would love to see them make that then. Love Sharpe and Harper!


There was some talk to turn it into a movie at the time the novel was released in 1992, but filming locations would have included St. Helena and various countries in South America. Way too expensive for TV network ITV, especially after both "Sharpe's Peril" and "Sharpe's Challenge" failed to make high ratings.
But Sean had recorded "Sharpe's Devil" for books on tape, which is a pretty good alternative!


Whatever it takes! I would love another one. Sharpe's Devil was a good read with a slightly older Sharpe.
