MovieChat Forums > Sean Bean Discussion > Cheerio IMDb Message Boards: Attn Sands...

Cheerio IMDb Message Boards: Attn Sandserpent

Yeah, I know it's been a long time since I've posted on IMDb. Pretty sure no one here has a clue that I used to post here. Haven't even dropped by to read threads here in I don't know when.

Did drop by last night and saw the news. Had to ask IMDb for a password reset this morning because I couldn't remember mine. 

Decided that as part of the closing ceremonies, it was fitting to return and bid farewell on the message boards I used to visit.

Sean Bean's board was the very first one I visited as "I Must Be Adopted" (my first account that I deleted so I could get my IMDb head on straight; it worked, I did get my head on straight.)

Some of you remembered that the other person on the other side of your post was a human being with a heart beating just like yours. One in particular: Sandserpent.

Stay well, Sandserpent, wherever you are. May happy vibes surround you always. Take care, and keep on being kind to others. You're wonderful that way. (When we were posting on Sean Bean's board, I went by IMustBeAdopted.)
