MovieChat Forums > Ellen Barkin Discussion > Ugly, hateful, and intolerant

Ugly, hateful, and intolerant bart

Did I mention she's ugly?


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Breitbart was known for nothing but being ugly, hateful & intolerant.
Oh, and his ability to get a bunch of idiots to wallow in his deceit.
Did I mention his dishonesty?
As of today I am a big fan of Ellen Barkin.
Thanks for that link


I agree. She's funny, smart and fully aware of the world
and those who inhabit it.
I find her to be refreshingly frank on Twitter and quite nice.


You forgot, she's also beautiful. Last time I saw her, anyway, which was a few years ago.


You forgot, she's also beautiful. Last time I saw her, anyway, which was a few years ago.


Another abusive guy who trashes women. Troll.


I'm a woman and I agree with the OP. She's a horribly selfish, cruel and disgusting inside her soul. What a wretched woman.

I can go on and on...But I'm kinda drunk and typing is kinda complicating right now,


Nice and refreshing to see some sanity here for a change. Thank you.
