MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > SNL Trump impression

SNL Trump impression

41 Times Alec Baldwin Absolutely Nailed Trump

I'm not saying the baldwin shouldnt do some time for manslaughter but ...

I can now see why all the trumptards decided on day 1 they want him hung for murder regardless of the circumstances of the accidental shooting,
he blasphemed the glorious leader on multiple occasions!


IMO, I always thought his Trump impersonation blew, and I say that as a Trump hater. I also don't like Alex much either, so there's that.


The current guy doing Trump on SNL is fantastic.
Baldwin's impression was never good. It was rooted in hatred, and it was obvious.
An impression should be lighthearted and fun. Baldwin's was angry and meanspirited.


Satire is only funny when it's even handed. Once you stick to one side, the hatred can't be hidden and the funny goes away. Does anyone still watch SNL?


Occasionally, I'll give SNL a look, but I'm always disappointed. Weekend Update used to be funny, but now it's just lame. Cecily Strong is no longer a regular, but a repertory player, with only an occasional appearance. Probably makes more money with her Verizon ads. And Kate McKinnon, who I thought was the best, most versatile player in recent years, has outright quit.

SNL, in its current incarnation, is like a fish left out of the fridge too long and has begun to smell up the kitchen.


I agree. The current guy in 2022/2023 doing SNL Trump is fantastic and I like him, even though I voted against Hillary and Biden.

Baldwin's Trump impersonation was one of the worst political impressions SNL has ever done. Baldwin's Trump impression was awful and just reeked of hate and extremism, and wasn't even close. And yes, that has caused me to now hate him.


I applaud you sir Ripkens25, because you have gotten to the exact root cause of why I hate Alec Baldwin, and helped me understand my feelings better. Kudos to you!

I never had an opinion of him before the SNL impersonations. But you're right. His impersonation was rooted in hatred. And I hate when celebrities use their stage to spew their hatred. I used to love Letterman before he got so nasty, far-left and political. Started with George W. Bush I think. I loved Colbert on Comedy Central. But once he moved to network TV, his extreme liberalism and hatred for Republicans began to spew. I eventually despised and then hated both of them, because they just are so nasty. They were supposed to be funny, not political.

I'm conservative, but I don't cram it down everyone's throat. I'm sick of celebrities that are full of political hatred. And there's a lot of liberals on Facebook that are the same way.


His Trump impression is less funny than the Real Trump. If the satire isn’t adding anything, then what is the point?


I wouldnt say its less funny .
I'm not saying AB's impression its the funniest thing ever ,

But real Trump , because he is saying his words seriously , is just not funny , its vomit inducing.


I think if you search Donald trumps 41 funniest moments, those video probably have more views and likes than SNL when they are trying to be funny.

Baldwins Trump tries to copy his mannerisms, but that character is less entertaining, and has none of the charisma that the real Donald Trump has. Plus it’s obvious Baldwin is trying to hard to make him look bad. James Austin Johnson does a much better Trump impression
