MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > Joy Behar suggests political conspiracy ...

Joy Behar suggests political conspiracy over expected Rust charges

Political expediency, perhaps. But political conspiracy? C'mon, Joy. I think we're all unimpressed with pundits and politicians labeling anything they disagree with as a conspiracy.

This is TDS at it's highest, but he did point a gun at someone, pulled the trigger (as per the FBI).


Not to mention that the DA is a Democrat. Apparently she has no Google skills.


That Democrat is out to get him because Republicans -- when they bother to remember him at all -- hate him.


I'm not fond of him. I haven't been fond of him since I heard his voice on that recording tearing apart his daughter. Most Republicans agree with Gutfeld that it's too bad his insane hatred of the NRA kept him from having them on the set to insure gun safety. Other than that, I don't think most of us even think about him at all. Despite what that DA thinks, he's NOT an A-list actor. It's not as though his name comes up that much outside of this case.


Liberals have no skills other than TDS.
