I think he had something to hide, unless he was just being a total dick and not cooperating because, well, he's a dick. Okay, everyone knows he's a dick and a piece of shit to boot, but I can't see him busting the investigator's balls without a better reason than his own personality flaws.
I don't think any of what he might be hiding is from the actual shooting accident (everyone backs up his story of being handed what he was clearly told was an empty gun), but something to do with the production in which he was involved. Maybe there are texts where legitimate concerns were raised by others about the safety on set or about the inexperience of the armorer.
Purely speculating on something that hasn't been talked about or made public, how about an unknown close-call with a live weapon that happened earlier on set that he (as producer) didn't address? That can get him in real trouble even if the actual gun accident doesn't.