MovieChat Forums > Adam Baldwin Discussion > Anyone alot younger than him but still t...

Anyone alot younger than him but still thinks he's hot???

Is it wrong that I'm 20 and very much attracted to him?! :) I've been watching chuck and I originally was staring at Zachary Levi all the time, but then out of nowhere, it was like I was hit in the face by a brick and I couln't keep my eyes off of Adam! He's very sexy, and I could care less about his age! Age aint nothing but a number lol
But hey (and i'm quoting people here) if it's bad to be attracted to him, than I don't wanna be good! lol

not long after watching chuck I discovered him in Firefly, and OMG if I thought he looked amazing in chuck, he looked 2 million times hotter in firefly!

Sam: hey, about before, sorry.
Dean: no chick-flick moments.
Sam: fine, Jerk.
Dean: Bitch.


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I'm 24 so he's old enough to be my Dad but I think he is gorgeous! I can never keep my eyes off him unless Alan Tudyk is around lol But I don't want to be good either!

Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.


I know what you mean. The dude is twice my age and I can't think of anyone hotter than him. He's everything.

But hey, the 40s are the new 30s, right?

"unleash the casey"


I'm only 15 and I think he's extremely attractive.


Makes me happy to be older - I've been watching him for 27 years (My Bodyguard came out when I was in middle school!).


I'm 23 and I find him oddly attractive as Colonel Casey. I mean it makes no sense for me to be attracted to Colonel Casey but I just am. That doesn't even have anything to do with his age.


I am probaby mostly in love with him as Jayne from firefly and As Casey in chuck! I don't know
if it has anything to do with the basses routine and him having a gun all the time, but he is so incredibly sexy!!!


Im 21 and think hes sexy still.. its true he's 27 years older then me (oh that makes him older then Both my parents). LOL... tho personaly i think he looks better With the gotee rather then without

