Jealous Women tell a lot about themselves
Jealousy or envy is a curse to any living creature.The wise, the rich or even the powerful; no one has ever escaped from feeling the Fangs of jealousy or envy. There are moments in everyone's life where he/she feels a twinge of jealousy which simply cannot be prevented. However, when this jealousy turns into an obsession or pessimism, it can lead to utter Schadenfreude which is considered immoral. Why come to an Actress' page, a Beautiful Woman,who does charities, much more, and BELITTLE HER? I wonder what the ones look like badgering her. So sad. To The ones following are quotes and sayings about jealousy in relationships and otherwise, that will tell you why and how jealousy and envy can lead to problematic situations in life.
I would love to buy a wig for my 4 year old niece who will NEVER HAVE hair, my daughter with dysautonomia of the brain, an upside down stomach, and my cousin who is 17 with lung cancer and have Gabrielle give them a little time to spend with her.
to them both.
What would any of you want for a sick loved one if you could pick one of the Cast Members from Burn Notice?