> I don't think America's wealth and power comes from empire.
It absolutely does. The best explanation of this is in the Economic Hitman series by John Perkins. We take a country and find a group of oligarchs, or failing that violent Right-wing guerilla types who like violence, pillage, thievery and rape and send them arms and train them. Then they take over the government, or threaten it
Then we come to their rescue. The basic structure is we set up people in charge with weapons, secret police and media advisors. Then we take their resources at a huge discount - because the people of said country are completely cut out. Usually they will demonstrate, rebel, etc, and we help these governments to kill the rebels. If a government does not cooperate we bribe then - with their own country's money, or kill them.
Since the dollar is the common reserve currency of the world, we can also print dollars and export our inflation to the rest of all those trillions and trillion of corrupt dollars out there and that keeps our inflation rate low, or reasonable.
Without these benefits I am not sure the US could survive.
Vietnam was a mess, but we are in with Vietnam today, and Thailand, and Cambodia, and the Philipines ... so we could let Vietnam go at the end of the war because we had our foothold in Asia. Don't forget South Korea ... the Korean war.
We look decades in advance and if a country doesn't work out right away - we can afford to wait. We are in that waiting state with Afghanistan, and Burma, and even Cuba.
The point is not the capital to invest, it is the ROI, the return on investment, and the US oligarchy goes straight for all the industries, commodities and technologies that have the biggest payoff - that is why they can never be dislodged by vote - they control all the money in the country and the average people in America now are getting the same treatment indigenous people's in our "colonies" get ... that is - NOTHING.
All the people involved with war and the military, and the companies and economic sectors all benefit while the rest of us get fleeced, and disenfrachised and told lies so that even if we did understand what we are fighting and who we have no power, not leverage - but the vote, and I think both sides are right- the system is rigged. Maybe not the voting machines themselves, but the whole media information system.
They talk about the Left, but the US has no representation of the Left - they are spoken of like the equivalent of criminals. Democrats are not the Left. A few of them are, and they get hammered in the media.
We can't live without this system, but we also cannot live with it either without becoming just like the Russians or the Chinese and respressing our citizens.