MovieChat Forums > Ben Affleck Discussion > He was high on Bill Maher: Why is no one...

He was high on Bill Maher: Why is no one talking about this?

I can't even be bothered to discuss his ignorant, boorish behavior on the panel-

He was high as a KITE on Bill Maher and me and my (now sober) partner immediately recognized it and were totally in shock watching it. Its a "takes one to know one" kind of thing, you know? His body language was so telling, so intense....he was totally stressed out at certain points, lumbering over the desk, doing weird motions with his hands over his eyes.

Like...either Ben Affleck just broke the *beep* down on National TV and will be headed back to rehab soon -OR- this was a tasteless way to drum up ticket sales for Gone Girl.

Is anyone else convinced of their dire impressions of Ben on Maher?


Wow i hope you are high because otherwise youre just racist


Another druggie hollyweird 'actor' who looks for his conscience at the bottom of a bottle because he KNOWS he and Damon didn't write Good Will Hunting and they got all the attention and accolades for something THEY DIDN'T DO.

Everyone knows there was a ghost writer in hollywood. He is a fraud, just like 99% of the phony hollywood celebs.

Open Earth💚Chakra


Really, you know your ignorant as hell right. Does it matter. You sound almost butt hurt more than anything else. Did something happen to you?


Good Will Hunting was made when they were both relatively unknown. How can two unknown actors afford such a good ghost-writer? And if it's so easy, why don't we see more actors winning Oscar this way?


We do. It's called Mel Gibson, George Clooney.... people think they do all the work, they just get the credit.

Open EarthChakra


ISLAM oppresses all its members : can't drink, can't eat pork, and if you do, others will RAT you out. That is another form of terror - always being afraid that others are watching what you do.

 how many Muslims do you know? While not many Muslims eat pork, drinking is not something uncommon in the Muslim community particularly those who are Iranian. Just like how it’s forbidden for Christians to engage in pre-martial sex, some people still do it. Even though alcohol is forbidden in Islam, some people still do it. And yes, people even drink and sleep around in Saudi Arabia—they just have their ways of not advertising it.

The so called verse of "wife beating" is one of the biggest mistranslations of the Quran. The Arabic word used in Noble Verse 4:34 above is "idribuhunna", which is derived from "daraba" which means "beat". The issue with all of the Arabic words that are derived from the word "daraba" is that they don't necessarily mean "hit". The word "idribuhunna" for instance, could very well mean to "leave" them. It is exactly like telling someone to "beat it" or "drop it" in English.
That quote is described in a number of steps: First, talk to them, Second, separate your beds (This is also to avoid matrimonial rape), third, send them away (to the parents, possibly). This is what is translated as "beat them." The word 'daraba' used here is so translated but the same word is used in 20 other places in the Quran where it is not translated as beat. Fourth, appoint counselors, one from each side to mediate. The fourth step mentioned in the Quran doesn't make any sense if immediately before it the husband has been beating his wife!

Islam is not the problem here - it's those who choose to use it as a weapon of violence who are wrong (same goes for all religions). The terrorists we have seen throughout the history of this religion's existence, and still see today, are to blame for giving Islam this bad reputation of causing bloodshed; even more to blame are those who, over the years, mistranslated the original Quran (which was first written in Arabic) and thus twisted the meanings behind many quotes which were supposed to advocate peace among many other things.

ISLAM especially oppresses women.

Only people who have never read the Quran (except for random quotes from Anti-Islamic sites), never visited the Middle East or any Muslim country, don't have any Muslim friends would think that. It’s very clear from your post you never socialized with many Muslims. I’m a woman and I was raised completely equal to a man. All the sexist men I know are not even Muslims. Women can’t drive in Saudi Arabia is all due to CULTURE. In the rest of the other Muslim countries, women drive. If it’s so forbidden, why are they allowed to drive in the other Muslim countries?

Please watch this video: Hope you take something from it.


Here's the thing. When we read about the Crusades in history, we examine what aspects of Christianity caused men to behave that way. We don't say "Oh well, Christianity had nothing to do with it!" Obviously it did. And in the same way, we can't just give Islam a pass when patterns of violence and oppression continue to take place. That is the opposite of learning and analysis.

To hear it from you, culture is to blame, misinterpretations are to blame, non-Muslims are to blame. Everything's to blame, EXCEPT Islam. That just makes you look bias, and people will be less inclined to listen to you.

"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy! Now, piss off!" - Free speech forever! :)


I never researched in depth with Christianity so I can't say anything.

Please watch the video:

As of now there are more attacks going on in Paris with non-Muslims: bdo

Do not confuse some muslim governments as a representation for Islam. Saudi Arabia even now is so backwards and claim to be Islamic when they partake in so many practices that are completely unislamic. Like not letting women drive. This is radicalness. NOT ISLAM.

I am so sick and tired of people distorting my religion that teaches me to love and respect others, to be grateful to God for the things you have. Honest to god, if you have more legitimate questions about islam and are actually interested in having a clearer understanding of it that is not biased and brought to you by people who are clearly islamophobic, then message me because I'm down to help you understand. 
