Favorite Performance?
For me, it's Malcolm X.
shareTough one, though alot of his past work was better IMO. Hard to narrow it down to just one.
For me..
1.Malcolm X
2.Training Day
3.John Q
4.American Gangster
5.He Got Game (underrated due to NBA vet Ray Allens' performance)
Sliding more so into a sub-topic regarding Denzel, I think he starts using the same mannerisms and delivery of lines a bit too often in several films. I think as he got older he figured "IF IT AINT BROKE AND THEY KEEP BUYING IT, DON'T FIX IT"... Its almost as if he remixes old characters into new films. With the exception of AMERICAN GANGSTER, the films I chose really showcase his acting chops and willingness to dive off the deep end to make you believe he is whomever he may be playing and not just DENZEL being ...Well.... DENZEL.
Manchurian Candidate was another film I believe he did superb in and put on display his versatility. Seems like he goes for roles that only provide him with enough of a safety net to just be himself and suave oppose to taking the back end and showing a different side.
This is all IMO from a fan nonetheless.
Great thread btw.
" Time To Show Gus How Dis Suppose To Be Done!!! "
Unsure if previous responses were truly “favorite” or what one considers “best”. To me they are two different things, even though they can mirror each other.
My favorite perfs of his, in no particular order
The Pelican Brief
Malcom X
Remember The Titans
Crimson Tide
American Gangster. I love that movie and he's great in it.
shareEqualizer movies was great.
shareTraining Day, followed closely by Malcolm X.
shareWeird nobody mentions Much Ado About Nothing. He's bloody brilliant there.
Malcom X
The Pelican Brief
Training Day