Adele Dazeem

Why did he pronounce the name like that?

It sounds absolutely NOTHING remotely close to Idina Menzel.

I'm assuming they use teleprompters so he was reading and had rehearsed.

Is there a scientific explanation? Mild dyslexia?


it is not like if Idina Menzel are popular words


Sometimes people just fuck up. It could be in the privacy of their own home when no one will ever know, and it could be on stage and TV, live, in front of a few hundred million.



Still one of the most hilarious Oscar moments ever.

I think the teleprompter must have been delayed and he had to wing it. You could see the mind scrambling in his expression and I imagine he was thinking something like “Shit, God-damn it I have no idea what her name is. Adele’s a singer, right? And there’s a Z in the surname. Adele Dazeem! Close enough.”

God bless him.


I had never heard of her before that broadcast so I had no idea until the next day.
