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shareand? gay, straight, bio seriously who cares? it changes anything?
....and....Why you feel the need to say that he isnt gay, its not like they say he is murderer...
This is fking racists from both sides.
Hes a married man who says hes not gay yet people flood this board trying to say he is gay and in an insulting way. Nothing wrong with being gay but there is something wrong with accusing someone of something they arent. You wouldnt like it if i called you straight
shareI think he's gay. Too many stories....and that picture by the airplane. What about that?
But, since he's a gay man that chose the married route (and some do), I think that he and Olivia Newton John would have made an adorable couple. The movie Grease came out when I was in high was a mega-hit. They were just adorable together.
The bad news is you have houseguests. There is no good news.
Well sorry to disappoint you, but I am straight.
I'm one of those straight guys that do NOT care about the sexual preferences of anyone else but meself.
Anyone can do whatever the fk they want to their bed as long as they dont hurt others (pedos for example).
My point was that:
A. To care for someones sexual pref's is as stupid as it can get.
B. To care for someone sex pref's that you'll never meet is even dumber.
C. To try to prove that someone is gay is even dumber...let alone doing it cause you thing that you offend him.
D. To try to defend that someone isnt gay/or he is straigh is as dumb as point C.
I mean ok he is gay/straight/bi and? and? he is not a pedo, nor a murderer...
Its NOT unnatural, nor it harms anyone...
and btw... I cant think of any mammal that it isnt bisexual... dogs, doplphins, lions, sheeps the lot....some birds also have/are homo/bisexual behavior.
If you are not one of those fked up "Religulous" - "god hate f..." (that need to be executed and burned so their dumb fking DNA wont be passed on) you shouldnt have prob with homosexuals or care what a person on the other side of the planet does in his/her bed.
I mean seriously people pull your head out of your bottoms or go kill yourselves and spare us from your stupidity.
We have the nationality racists, the skin color ultra-dumb f@cking racists, the sex racists, the religion idiots (that also endorses sex/color/nationality racism and violence)..... i mean... seriously wtf is wrong with you people?
btw... I wonder how many of you would have a problem watching a homosexual sex-scene between lets say Beyonce and Charlice Theron...or 10 years back a homosexual scene with Kidman and Bellucci... The kingdom of hypocrisy.
I agree there are too many times people are calling an actor or someone gay and doing it in a negative connotation. It happens here, cruise's board, kevin spacey's ( he actually is gay from what I hear), luke evans etc. If you wanna have an opinion someone is gay fine but they call them gay like its the worst thing ever and insult them over it. Also I as a straight man have no problem watching gay sex scenes. "looking" is one of my fave tv shows and brokeback a great movie imo.
shareTo care for someones sexual pref's is as stupid as it can get.
No. Not knowing how to use apostrophes is, however.
I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.
Well, thank you for letting us know that you are stupid.
Now go try to fill your empty life by researching what a person (that you'll never meet) does in his bed... brain dead idiot.