MovieChat Forums > John Travolta Discussion > Who Does Travolta Think He's Fooling?

Who Does Travolta Think He's Fooling?

It's OBVIOUS he's completely bald. His hairpieces are almost as bad as Donald Trump's. Does he really think anyone is that stupid?

I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.


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He's not trying to fool anyone. He is an actor and changing appearance is part of the game.


ending to be straight.

Pants up! Don't loot!


Sounds like you are hoping he is gay because you want a chance with him.


You're either dense or painfully uninformed, diggler -- perhaps both -- because judging by your two posts at this thread, you really don't have a clue where John Travolta is concerned. Let me help you take your blinders off.

First of all, I'm in the film industry and have been for a very long time. Travolta doesn't wear incredibly bad looking hairpieces because "he's an actor and changing appearance is part of the game." Your explanation is not only wrong, but laughably lame. He wears them because he's practically bald -- I think he has six hairs left; oops, he just lost another one, so make that five. Vanity, image, and age are the real reasons he has those odd looking things on his head.

And yes, JOHN TRAVOLTA IS GAY AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. (Was that clear enough for you?) Everybody both in and out of the film industry seems to know this but you. Travolta was hoping that Scientology would "cure" him of his sexual orientation, but as a number of men can attest to, his cult failed miserably at the task. His marriage is as much of a lie and a fraud as he and his life are. Travolta's far from being the first gay actor who entered into a 'lavender marriage' for image and career -- a fellow Scientologist of his has done so again and again --and he won't be the last. As I once stated at another thread pertaining to Valentino (the actor, not the designer) Travolta's nickname isn't "Bone" without good reason. Give him a bone and he's in gay heaven. At any rate, whether the topic is his hair or his sexuality, you don't know what the hell you're talking about, so give your blind, clueless devotion a rest. And in case you're thinking some homophobe is writing this, I'm also as gay as a three dollar bill dipped in purple ink. Where 'gay Hollywood' is concerned, I've lived long enough to know where most of the bodies are buried. (It's an expression.)

If any reader should ever encounter Travolta at one of the jockstrap joints (gyms) he likes to frequent no matter where he travels, ask him if he still hears from porn actor/director Paul Barresi -- he and Travolta used to go at it like monkeys in heat and Johnny boy is also a big fan of Barresi's videos, especially one titled "Daddy Does It Best." And while you're at it, also ask Travolta if he still has a (one-sided) thing for Huey Lewis. Travolta had it boner-aching bad for the handsome, hirsute, heterosexual Huey -- like me, he also likes 'em furry -- for the longest time! Should any reader of the male persuasion ever get the chance to ask Travolta these questions, don't turn your back to him or you'll find out the hard way just how gay he is.

And if Travolta should ever read this post -- there are those in the entertainment industry who visit imdb more than the general public realizes -- and considers, even for a second, sicking one of his legal mouthpieces on me like he's also been known to do when trying to intimidate and silence male lovers, all I can say is bring it on, Johnny boy. I'm right here. However, we both know this won't happen because 1) I don't need the money, am never intimidated, and I'm not a former lover (thank the merciful gods) but a peer and 2) Travolta doesn't want any further publicity concerning his penile proclivities, especially if a number of sordid details were to come from another actor who's been around quite awhile. What I've mentioned here is tame -- the tip of the iceberg -- where Travolta's gay sexploits are concerned and he knows it. If I were having a bad day, I could have revealed much more -- it was very tempting -- so Travolta is more than likely feeling relieved that I didn't shed more light on his boner addiction because then this post would have easily been twice as long. And if reading this has made you feel all tense and nervous, Johnny boy, perhaps one of those massages you enjoy so much is in order.

I had a dear friend -- one of the nicest, sweetest guys one could know and also a well-known actor; John "everybody wants my sperm" Travolta knows who I mean -- who was badly used and mistreated by him, so anytime I read or hear about some oblivious little idiot proclaiming how great (or straight) Travolta is, I'll always be sure to set him/her straight, no pun intended. At the risk of stereotyping and sounding sexist, a woman's wrath is nothing compared to a gay man's and we're a much tougher bunch than most think. We've had to be.

P.S. If there's still any person who considers himself/herself a fan and admirer of Travolta's after watching the excellent, factual, and highly disturbing HBO documentary, "Going Clear," then you have far more serious problems than your blind and foolish worship of John Travolta. His hair (or lack thereof) and sexual orientation are the least of it. Words such as coward, accomplice, and weasel also come to mind when describing Travolta and his character (or lack thereof). I had heard certain stories from others through the years about some of Scientology's insane and illegal practices (beginning with its fraud of a founder) and the hold it has on its sheep (think People's Temple if you're of a certain age) but like most viewers, I had no idea of the extent of just how criminal, dangerous, and evil this cult is until "Going Clear" shined a badly needed, long overdue spotlight on it. Like some of my friends, both in and out of the film industry, I'll be doing whatever I can, including contacting my elected officials, to ensure that something is finally done where this cult's criminal practices are concerned. (At the very least, Scientology should lose its tax exempt status, but since it involves politicians and a government agency, I won't hold my breath, but still one needs to try regardless.) Hopefully it'll all blow up in Travolta's face -- and Cruise is even worse. Some of you at this board are so clueless where Travolta's concerned that maybe you should also join Scientology and then you'd probably get to meet your hero at some point. You sound like perfect candidates for his cult; just the kind of minds they recruit and seek. And while there, you could discuss his wig collection and latest lover. Maybe even Tom Cruise will jump up and down for you on one of Scientology's designer sofas!


hahahahahahaahaaa !!!!! "the industry"... hahaa


Oh. you're one of "those". I see your flag.


One of the best things I've read on a message board in years. Oh and I believe you.
