I like Travolta. I'm just saying, that once your movies start going DTV you're not A-list.
Looking at Travolta's upcoming movies, seems like he's starting to sign up to similar movies like Nicolas Cage and John Cusack do, especially the upcoming I Am Wrath, which actually had Cage attached to star a few years ago.
Most of them will go straight to VOD.
I'm not saying that they will be bad, some of my favorite movies of last year were DTV releases for example, but I'm not pretending that they're high profile movies either or that Travolta is still relevant or on a career high.
He is way past his prime (second prime you could say) and his career right now is probably close to where it used to be before Pulp Fiction.
He is still a quality actor, but it is getting a bit embarrassing seeing him prancing around acting all creepy old man touching Scarlett Johansson's face at the Oscars while wearing that ridiculous Lego man hair.
We know you're bald and gay, John, and we don't care, get over it already.