160 IQ my ass

show me the IQ test he took.


His movie IQ is pretty high. As for normal intelligence, who knows?


He's smart, especially considering he got millions of people to watch a 2 hr 40 min long burger ad, and praise it as the best movie of all time

Master of subliminal psychology and probably financed by McDonalds


160 IQ you are rivaling Einstein, no way.


" 2 hr 40 min long burger ad,"

which one was that?


High IQ's are mostly about how well you are at taking tests. Whether that ability translates into anything practical can be another matter.


Yeah, I was about to say that. Also you can excel in some areas and fail miserably at others. I tend to memorize everything music, can't do the same for history and geography (I wish) I just don't absorb it well


I dare anyone to find a source to confirm his IQ is 160. It's the same level as Einstein and Newton; they both achieved major scientific discoveries before 30!


Most of them famous people never took an IQ test because they know being dumb would hunt them for the rest of their life. Sadly, we also live in a world where most people seem to believe that wealth equals intelligence.


He’s definitely on the autism spectrum. Look at how weird he is on late night TV interviews, and his knowledge of vast obscure films feels like autism. You ever ever met someone with autism who could just rattle off every obscure fact known a man, and they’re loud, flail their arms wildly while talking, and don’t seem to pick up on social queues? That’s basically Tarantino. But high functioning autism can translate to high IQs.


You can find any 'tard at a comic con that can rattle off a bunch of shit, doesn't mean they have a 160 IQ.


How weird he is in interviews could be just cocaine.


I agree he is Autistic.
