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Jennifer Lopez On Oliver Stone Asking To See Her Tits

"You know I thought to myself, this is funny, I was doing a movie, with a big, big star, big director - nameless - early in my career, and I got the lead woman role in the movie. And the director said to me, "Can I see your tits?" And I was like, "Umm, no you can't." And he was like, "Why not? Are they saggy?" I said "No, actually, they're perfect. But you're not gonna see them." And he was like, and he pushed a little bit, and then he stopped. He realized he was gonna get nowhere with me. And I thought to myself, would you ask the star of this movie to see his dick? No, you would not. Or his ass? You know what I mean? Why are you asking me this? Like, I'm not gonna show my tits in your movie. So... blah blah blah... whatever. So it was just weird."

"A director at a fitting asked me to take my top off. To see... Well because I was supposed to do nudity in the movie. He wanted to see my boobs. And I was like, "We're not on set." Well, he was crazy. And... And I said no, I stood up for myself. But it was so funny because I remember like being so panicked in the moment, like oh my god. And by the way, there was a costume designer in the room with me. So there was another woman in the room with me, and he says this and I was like, "No." You know luckily a little bit of the Bronx came out, you know what I mean, and I was like, "I don't have to show you my... No. On the set, you see them." That's the thing, because you give in in that moment, and all of a sudden that person's off and running, thinking they can do whatever they want. And because I put up a little boundary right there and said no, he laid off and then later on apologized. But the minute he walked out of the room the costume designer was like, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that just happened." And I was like, you know, thrown for a second or whatever but that was uh... No, I'm not supposed to get naked before I get on camera. And I take it off at the last minute, like I know this stuff. And so again it's like teaching, passing it down, and what's happened now is a big lesson for all women, right. It's like no, these things are okay, these things are not okay, and it doesn't matter what context it's in, it's never okay to feel uncomfortable."


I like Jennifer Lopez, but this seems kind of stupid to me ... she should have directed her efforts towards her supposedly abusive marriage. We don't show male actors' dicks in the movies, but however it came about it is fairly routine to show a young female leads' breasts. I think the movie she is talking about must have been U-Turn which was an odd movie, a kind of exploitation movie. Can't remember if she was nude or not.

Not that it matters a lot, but one of my favorite movies is "Starship Troopers" and one of the best roles in that movie is Diz, played by Dina Meyer. She did a perfect job, but in the shower scene her breasts were kind of disappointing and I don't think they should have showed her, or they should have figured out a way to get a body double. They were saggy. Maybe we should all want to see saggy breasts in movies, but we sort of go to movies to see model human beings in some way or another. It's unfair, but for women this means their breasts much of time.

It's kind of stupid, but like in Thandie Newton's acting appearances she often displays her body, because even as she ages she is absolutely beautiful. Directors probably are curious to see Jennifer Lopez naked, but there is also a business reason for how to put her on film in the best possible light. Usually that stuff is covered in the actor's contract isn't it - whether they will do a nude scene and how much exposure there will be.

This seems more like JL trying to be some kind of female role model. But, it also could be the manner in which the director, Oliver Stone, asked her. Stone has a kind of lecherous leer to him. ;-)


went from "director just asked to see my tits for no reason"

to " director along with female coworker asked to see them for a film shooting where I would display them" not saying that means he has the right, but there may be real film reasons to.

not defending him creeps need to be called out
