MovieChat Forums > Oliver Stone Discussion > Has plans to make a movie on the Busines...

Has plans to make a movie on the Business Plot to assassinate FDR

By some of the fascist families still running the country today.

>> and a biopic of sorts about an attempted assassination plot by the Republican party against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

This would be a great movie.

Here is a link to the short documentary on the Fascist attempt to take over the USA, which failed in 1933, but is doing much better today under Trump with the help from the Russians and the Internet.


Will the odious Bush family be named? The US came dangerously close to a takeover of rightwing fascistic forces such as was already occurring in Europe. They didn't succeed, but over the decades there has been a revival of what they sought.


Which will be as accurate as his stupid JFK historic drama!


He's a good film maker, but this one is going to be like JFK, i.e. Conspiracy a Go Go.


Yeah, and...? Just because something is a conspiracy theory doesn't make it wrong.


I prefer historically accurate films, not a wacked out conspiracy presented as the truth.


I don't think you you know anything about this and are going around on the Internet blindly supporting the right-wing take on everything, and not even in a organized logical way. "Wacked out" is seriously what you are.

If you are not a brainless bot, watch it.


That clip is the History Channel, not an Oliver Stone film. I don't support the rightwing take on anything! Maybe you don't know that it's the right (Alex Jones, Roger Stone, etc.) who are the conspiracy theorists even more than the far left. JFK is the gateway drug to the rabbithole (why these rightees care about a liberal President is a huge paradox). I'd like to see a film about a plot against FDR, Oliver Stone is bound to twist it into his own reality.


The only one blindly supporting anything is you, with left-wing ideology and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. You are a tired cliché and everything people hate about others who think they are right and everyone else is stupid. Arrogant and annoying best sums up your persona.


Doesn't he like praise Russia? I remember an interview he gave with Bill Maher where he's like CIA all bad, nothing good, Russia is great place. I feel like he doesn't really like the US. Only reason we know of CIA actions is how open the country is to eventually declassify works done in the past. Russia on the other hand have pretty tight lip on their dealings. Same with China.


He's pro-Putin. And yes, he's against the CIA, which has committed terrible (secret) crimes against humanity. I hate his conspiracy theories. Also he's a total tyrant as a director even though some of his films are good.


Can you name those families?
