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The gay community slamming his choice to come out

His choice to come during an allocation was pretty much slammed by industry professionals who are openly gay who can see it for what it was a deflection, were very happy about it like Zachary Quinto, George Takei and Billy Eichner.

From Quinto
"It is deeply sad and troubling that this is how Kevin Spacey has chosen to come out, Not by standing up as a point of pride—in the light of all his many awards and accomplishments—thus inspiring tens of thousands of struggling LGBTQ kids around the world. But as a calculated manipulation to deflect attention from a very serious accusation that he attempted to molest one. I am sorry to hear of Anthony Rapp's experience and subsequent suffering. And I am sorry that Kevin only saw fit to acknowledge his truth when he thought it would serve him—just as his denial served him for so many years. Victims' voices are the ones that deserve to be heard."

From Takei
“When power is used in a non-consensual situation, it is a wrong. For Anthony Rapp, he has had to live with the memory of this experience of decades ago. For Kevin Spacey, who claims not to remember the incident, he was the older, dominant one who had his way. Men who improperly harass or assault do not do so because they are gay o straight – that is a deflection. They do so because they have the power, and they chose to abuse it.”


Why do people need to proclaim their sexuality to the world? What a stupid idea. Do people go around announcing their fetishes? I never sat my family down and said, " I like women but what really gets me going are tight stomachs."


Imagine that you're straight, and most of the people in the world are gay, and they assume everyone else is gay too. Wouldn't you want to set the record... straight?

Damn, there's got to be a better way to phrase that.


Hmmm, I honestly never considered it but everyone is in the minority some way.


Why? "You are who you do?" That's stupid. And why do. you need to "set the record straight"? So that everyone will know? Again, why?

In female circles of heterosexuality, men who lead with their heterosexual orientation are laughed at. But in homosexual circles it's not ridiculous to say, "Hey! Look at me! I'm Gay Man! This is my BOYFRIEND. He's my BOYFRIEND because I'm GAY, get it? I'm GAY and I'm PROUD. Yep, that's me!" 🙄

It's just dumb, and some day I hope Americans get over the idea that they have to identify as some endangered species to be worthwhile. Someday we might decide human life itself is pretty special.


Probably to improve their sexual opportunities with those they find sexually appealing.

I happen to like women with tight stomachs too. But imagine you had a platform like that. Wouldn't you want to make known what you find appealing so women with tight stomachs know to approach you?




Then that's your hangup.


Wait, he's gay? Hmmm, I've been on a desert island.


George Takei? The Gropemaster? Wouldn't he be better keeping his hole shut? (talking about his mouth here).


Well it seems after an extensive investigation it was proven Takei's "accuser" was lying.

Seems Brunton is a lying liar that lies. Might be the same with Spacey's accuser.


I wasn't actually referring to that particular accuser, but to the remarks Takei has made about grabbing men's junk without their permission. I remember him both saying that and then apologizing.


Wait -- is this the same George Takei who excused Milo for his praise of older homosexuals preying on younger ones as some kind of initiation? That should have taken Takei off the national stage as the Spokesman For All Homosexuals. But he just hits the "do over" button and everyone gets collective amnesia.

Again, not saying that Spacey isn't a monster. He is. But my guess is the whole gay community in Hollywood knew Spacey was gay. It was regularly discussed on the old IMDb. And since his actions were out of control, I'm sure at the very least anyone who worked on a set with him knew what he was like. Hollywood is a factory town, and word gets around. If you started now, you probably couldn't stop naming all the people who knew about his behavior and didn't say anything about it if you took a solid week.
