MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > May have a hard time watching his films

May have a hard time watching his films

Because it would be watching rape, seeing him making someone squeal like a pig with Weinstein as the toothless hillbilly.


Kevin did not rape anyone


He molested a 14 year old boy and groped others.




They turned out to be true to the point of Netflix firing him and reshooting his All The Money In The World scenes.


Netflix are powerful then?


Afraid so. Seems now Hollywood guys getting away with sexual harassment has become unacceptable.


Only now that they've been caught. The Hollywood guys and the actors that worked for them are all complicit in this rape culture that has festered in their own backyard. Just a bunch of slimy, depraved, souless hypocrites.


To why they haven't been caught before was due to intimation, feelings of shame and a fear of being blacklisted, and people who are unable to do or prove anything.


bullshit. angelina jolie had power. ashley judd had power. meryl streep had power. they all could have set him up sooner to take the fall, but they didn't. cause he kept them in business and paid for their lavish lifestyles. thats why they're hypocrites. their silence gave him power. they were just as complicit in the evil culture of hollywood as the predators are. sorry, but "they were scared" just isnt good enough


Also Weinstein did have people to kill any accusations in the press about him and paid victims to keep their mouths shut. Yes they could've gone to the press but with what evidence.

They say rape victims have a hard time coming out like Ned Beatty in Deliverance didn't want his rape getting around.


Where do you think that tape of Weinstein soliciting sexual favors from that model came from? You think that just fell out of thin air? She had an entire career to lose and she did it anyway. Any one of these other women could have been the ones to foil his legacy of rape and abuse. They chose not to because they liked the money and fame. Absolutley disgusting and depraved hypocrites they are. Especially when these are the exact same people championing for womens rights and feminism and smashing the patriarchy. I guess patriarchy isn't so bad when he promises you a life of riches and fame.


A Trump-worshiping dullard complaining about sexual assault?

You're a hypocrite. Nutballs like you elected a misogynistic, sexually assaulting, racist fascist as President, and you don't care.


And how sad is it for you, that he's actually doing a better job running the country than every president since at least Regan? perhaps even JFK? That's got to feel like salt in the wound doesn't it?


I still watch movies made by Roman Polanski. What he did was arguably worse than what Spacey did.

Damn, Chinatown is a great movie though.


Roman Polanski wouldn't be a big deal since he's behind the camera and not on screen.


Good point, though he does have a small part in Chinatown.


You guys don't know anything about Roman Polanski lol He does stars mostly in his movies..


He had a small part in a 13 year old LOL (sorry, couldn't resist)


Did you feel this way before the shit hit the fan????
I can understand not liking what this man is accused of.
I still like him in the films I have seen him in.
Is there a problem with that?


Can't take his films away pre 2017, unfortunately House Of Cards final season and All The Money In The World was taken from him.

Like Bill Cosby it's a unfortunate sad situation that ruins his whole legacy.


I can understand that.
I still wish House of Cards hadn't been ripped away. I was late to that table. I was only half way thru that. I was really into it.
As for him and his problems.... I'm sorry for the people he has hurt and ruined.
The man has talent. It's a shame that he flushed his life down the crapper.

As for Bill Cosby? I always felt that he was a smug know it all. I liked him in his I Spy days.
Now? He's an old man and the past has caught up with him. I feel sorry for his wife and his family.
I feel for the women he humiliated.


Now Hollywood people getting away with assault has stopped being acceptable. Think in Cosby's day a lot of man did that, like an old Bond film with sexist remarks like man talk and being slapped on the bum, times have changed to the point where they couldn't keep these things quiet any longer.

Spacey does have this menacing presence in Usual Suspects and in American Beauty after throwing a plate at a wall which convinces you he's a monster, with Cosby as you watch The Cosby Show you wonder how is this the same guy he's one of the least people you would expect.


I remember Cosby in his first sitcom when he played the basketball coach. I also remember his Jello commercials and the kids.... the Fat Albert cartoons too....
He has had much success. Maybe too much... You really wouldn't want to believe that he was capable of what he was accused of.

Spacey? He's good at menace. He's good at scary! Don't forget Se7en! He was creepy in House of Cards. I assumed he is just a great actor, and he is. Now? I can believe that he can be that way in life. In his performances, he has to dredge that up from somewhere.


Spacey was not the only person in these films. Films he is in that I liked I will still watch because all the others involved deserve the royalties.


Sexual misconduct can stain your whole filmography, how can anyone see him on screen now and look past it.


I loved some of his movies, there's no doubt about it. I don't care for his personal life. Just his movies.
