Bra and Jacket?

OMG, it would be bad enough if a twenty something year old wore something like that at an awards show, but a 69 year old woman? Hollywood is seriously lacking in class.


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Yes, heaven forbid we criticize Hollywood for lacking in class? Hollywood influences our culture, the rest of us should be able to push back when they act classless.


It is her style though and maybe it keeps her alive. If she is forced to look like an old woman perhaps she will soon shrivel up and die.


It is her style though and maybe it keeps her alive. If she is forced to look like an old woman perhaps she will soon shrivel up and die.

Who says she has to look like an old woman? Ever watch the show, What Not to Wear? They have taken many women who dressed in an overtly sexual, tacky manner and taught them to dress more classy, and they still looked sexy. They didn't end up in frumpy dresses and shawls. So next time Susan Sarandon goes to an awards show, she should spend some time with Stacy London.


I thought she looked beautiful. Since she has it, she can flaunt it.


I thought she looked beautiful. Since she has it, she can flaunt it.

Beautiful? Hardly. Sure, she can flaunt it, but should she?

Here she looks beautiful, sexy, and classy:


I agree.No matter if a woman is 68 or 20 years old, they should have a sense of how to dress properly and classy, especially to such events.
Well, I guess she wore this in purpose, so people can talk about her again.


Hahahah she looked AMAZING and that ensemble was actually quite conservative, except for the chest. People are so stupid about what they decide to get upset about or not. Starlets wear majorly smutty clothes at ceremonies constantly, and nobody says anything, but since she presented something about dead people, you crucify her. THEY'RE ONLY CLOTHES. Sarandon has an incredible chest, and I think it's great that she shows it off; she's almost 70 and still seems as though she's 45, and not just looks-wise. I really liked the outfit.
