GOOD actress, sexy woman
Zriter59 'Nuff said:).
BUT to add a little more:
OK, everybody can agree, I think, about Rogers' physique. Perhaps not about her face? Her features, though pleasing, are not classically beautiful (big mouth, oddly-shaped eyes), so I don't consider her a great beauty. BUT she remains HUGELY sexy and appealing.
Why? Well, she conveys a degree of assurance, comfort in her skin, which is sexy in itself. Her voice (I once saw its tone quality described as "honey over gravel") also shivers my timbers.
AND before we get to her build, let's see: talent is sexy and she's got it. And she also seems to be a friendly, down-to-earth gal who appreciates her fans (ditto).
Add the impressive build that she has retained well into middle-age to those qualities and you have a woman who is hot enough to melt Antarctica by walking across it:)