I watched it it's Season 9 Episode 12- "Trapped in the Closet" with John Travolta and Tom Cruise (followers of Scientology). After a personality test (which is in fact an intro to Sci.) Kyle is found to have a score of 9, same as L. Ron Hubbard founder of Scientology and former science fiction writer. He is soon seen as a 'new prophet' of the cult and Cruise and Travolta come to visit him. Cruise asks 'Hubbard' how he finds his acting and after getting an answer that even Gene Hackman is better and "the guy from Napoleon dynamite" Cruise gets locked in the Closet. It also starrs R. Kelly and many more; of course with a critical commentary of Scientology and the usual little lesson at the end like every episode (except Kenny doesn't die in this one :P) and I recommend you watch it for a comic view of the subject matter.
I think they can be downloaded from irc.tveps.net ...check if it is so!