Molly's visit to St. Louis wasted an hour of my life
I heard that Molly was going to appear at the Working Womens Survival Show last Saturday and I was thrilled! We dont get a whole lot of stars in St. Louis and especially none of her stature, so I had been looking forward to it for weeks. I arrived at the show a few hours early to secure the best seat possible. My mom and I anxiously waited to hear Mollys presentation. She came on stage promptly at 3 and gave a brilliant speech. The problem, however, occurred during Mollys Q and A session. A girl from the audience asked if she could have her autograph and Molly replied that of course she could. She told the girl, and the whole audience, that she would be signing her book and would love for people to stop by and Say Hi and shake my hand. So immediately after Molly left the stage, the whole crowd rushed around trying to find the area where Mollys signing would be. When we finally found the table, the wait began. We waited for about 15 minutes and then were told that Molly will only be signing her book. And I thought, okay fair enough, Ill buy her book. Then they went on to inform the crowd that they did not have books available for purchase. The crowd was obviously bummed (only one person had brought a book with them), but everyone else decided to stick around and Say Hi The whole line of people was ignored for a good 45 minutes. No one would tell us if/when Molly would be coming out. Then finally, about an hour after Molly had told us all she would love to meet us, the restless crowd was informed that she would not be coming out after all and she had left the building. Bottom line, Molly had no regard for anyone but herself. She let her fans wait in line for a solid hour hoping to see her, and meanwhile she was sneaking out of the building. She thinks her time is worth more than everyone elses and it didnt matter if we stood around for an hour wasting our lives. I hope she knows her little stunt in St. Louis caused her to lose at least a couple hundred fans.