MovieChat Forums > Christina Ricci Discussion > SO WHATS UP WITH HER ?!?!?


Has the earth opened and swallowed her up ?

Havent heard anything new from her in AGES ?!?

Last movie I recognize from her movie list is Black Snake Moan. That was 10 years ago !!!!!!

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


I wish I knew. She's been my favorite since 1995 and to this day, I'm hoping for a comeback. I think she still has it in her. Her main focus right now may be her baby boy, which it should be. Hopefully her upcoming project about Zelda Fitzgerald will spark up her career. I do give her props for continually working throughout the years even if her projects weren't the most mainstream. She's never stopped working. As long as she doesn't go the Lindsay Lohan route, I guess I'll be satisfied.


'Bottom line...who cares? 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


She turned thirty. TV is bigger than film now. she has a kid now, so she probably doesnt want to work that much.
