MovieChat Forums > Parker Posey Discussion > Hollywood looks over this kind...

Hollywood looks over this kind...

Parker Posey is one of those actresses like Natasha Henstridge, Juliette lewis and Allyson Hannigan where they always get passed up for more popular actresses even if they can play a role better...allyson can do comedy, drama, horror, romonce and so forth...Juliette has been in many movies but never given HER big break and natasha is capable of being a female action hero easily! But Parker is simply a delight and its toob ad she gets what i call the "kevin bacon treatment" where you're only considered a character-actor...hopefully6 someday, hollywood will get its head out and stop signing meryl streep, angelina jolie and hillary swank to everything...just my opinion folks



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Natasha Henstridge, Juliette Lewis, and Parker are in 3 VERY different categories. Natasha Henstridge is a 5'10" BOMB SHELL, who can barely act her way out of a paper bag. Juliette, is simply in a class of her own, no comparison. Juliette, was very popular in her day, and could write her own ticket, anywhere, anytime, any price. Hollywood NEVER over looked Juliette. And Parker, I love Parker and she's perfect for this new role on the Big C but she plays the same damned character, every time.

Now, Carol Kane, and Felicity Huffman may fit into your "Hollywood over looks this kind" but not Parker, Juliette, and definitely not Natasha.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


are you so sure about that? yes? well, lemme shoot a big hole in your theory...your cliams on your opinions are respected, but as far as you trying to concivnce yourself they've not been looked over, answer this question; How many BIG movies have these three been in and how many Oscars have they been nominated for? i mean, with all that not-overlooked work you say they've gotten or can get, nothing gives them whats been given to meryl streep, cate blanchette, and so forth too numerous times...awards for their tell me again how they're not overlooked? oh, and one more thing; you are right that they've had lots of work, but hollywood makes sure they get the smaller parts that never put them in the "upper echelon" categories...



How many BIG movies have these three been in and how many Oscars have they been nominated for?

Ok, thank you for respecting my viewpoint but you do not understand my viewpoint. As I stated, these 3 actresses are in 3 TOTALLY different categories. Sorry, there is just no comparing the 3, altogether.

As I said, Natasha can't act her way out of a paper bag. The fact that she's never had a leading role in a big film is a direct result of the lack of her acting skills. Also, perhaps Natasha is capable of carrying an action hero role but that does not mean she's Oscar material. Action hero roles, are not difficult, at all. Also, comparing Natasha to Anjolina Joli, is probably accurate. Joli can't act, either, and Natasha is a lot prettier than Joli.

Parker has made her mark, and a distinguished one, at that. She's appropriately been given the nickname, "Queen of the Indies". She's got potential for a film, which may be a future contender for an Oscar but she's also in her early 40s, and not as diversified as many other actresses her age. But I will agree with you, on one point, I don’t think Hollywood has given Parker the break she deserves.

Lastly, you insist on putting Juliette in the same acting or role category as Parker and Natasha, and quite frankly it is like putting Diamonds (Juliette), Amethysts (Parker), and Cubic Zirconias (Natasha) under the same heading, and demanding that we then pick the stone of our choice. No comparison. Further, Juliette has been in MANY big movies. And you know what? Juliette was nominated for an Oscar, for Best Supporting Actress, for her role in Cape Fear. Other BIG Pictures include, Natural Born Killers, (she MADE Natural Born Killers), Husbands & Wives, The Other Sister, Kalifornia, and Romeo is Bleeding.

Sorry, I just do not share you opinion, in the least. No disrespect. Peace.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


no worries, but amny apologies for my atttitude in my last post..i was overly tired, grouchy and not very tactful...that said, lemme try this again..your opinion is respected, truly...we disagree, but thats the fun of it--the "joust" so to can act but she's only gotten roles that show of smiles and t*its..she was excellent for the SPECIES role as well as the GHOSTS OF MARS too...Angelina is nothing but ana ction girl, and is awesome at it and yet somehow ends up with all the recognition in the world for doing very little...
Parker Poseycan do mainstream roles but why not her instead of natalie portman all the time? or helen mirren? why is it always the same is my concern...other quality actresses deserve better roles too, not just a select while these three may not be the same, they are in the fact that these two, like Juliette(whom i love, btw)never get the Oscar-winning roles or the mainstream roles or the ones that make the huge dollars...Juliette used to, but its as if hollywood sees her(at 38) past her prime or soemthing, because they're always going for the repetitive and stale Amanda seyfried or the pathetically perky Blake Lively or the GLEE-type(too many to different actresses, along with carol kane and the other one you mentioned never being given roles because hollywood is too busy staying within their perfect little box...i say, put Juliette in the next Black Swan(for example), or parker in the next Titanic(for example) or natasha(yes we disagree on her acting, but its all good) in the next King's Speech and let those afore-mentioned remain in the Indies and lowstream genres...whew! okay, your



Hey there!

Parker Poseycan do mainstream roles but why not her instead of natalie portman all the time? or helen mirren?

Hey, I am with you, as far as Parker goes. And after more thought, she just may be in the same group as Juliette, and Hollywood has type-cast Parker, or given her the same damned role to play, over and over. She's a good actress, and yes, I believe as good as Juliette, and Natalie Portman. Why not give Parker roles, which go to Helen or Natalie? Well, Natalie used to be a wonderful actress, she's now a glamour queen, who maybe takes her craft, seriously, when she's in the mood. It is actually sad. She's up tight, and spends more time being insulted for all the Jews, in Hollywood, at whatever she may feel insulted by, (I mean no offense, but Natalie is seriously over the top) yet, she's left her craft behind, at least 10 roles, ago.
Helen, is in a category apart from Parker, and even Natalie. Helen is actually one of the most accomplished character actors, living. Funny thing is, she started out as a leading lady. Nobody does a character, not even Meryl, like Helen. The MPs - Dennis Skinner to be exact, even joked at the beginning of Paraliment, that he would only leave the Commons to greet the Queen, if Helen Miren was standing in for the Queen.
Back to Parker. I wish Hollywood would take a chance on Parker, and give her a leading role or two. She's beautiful, and a great actress, and she's even older than Juliette but looks timeless.
I don't think this latest role on the Big C will open doors for her, that haven't already been knocked on but maybe it will give her a new fresh slate of fans, and from there, someone could give her Natalie's next part (I can only hope). Until then, I am just going to really love watching Parker in the Big C!

Take care, Poetry guy. XXOO

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


I hope we talk again sometime...its been fun, tob e honest...your "jousting" as i call it is admirable, respectable and worthy...the honor was mine...until future endeavors within these four cyber-walls take care back Cat..oxoxo.



She showed her talent in Superman Returns but it really did not lead to better movie offers but at least she has been busy working.

Its that man again!!
