MovieChat Forums > Ryan Phillippe Discussion > Loses more than $1 million of Reese's mo...

Loses more than $1 million of Reese's money

Jesus, I guess this guy peaked with I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.


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how does Ryan lose more than $1 million of Reese's money? if you think he peaked with I Know What You Did Last Summer, than you obviously aren't familiar with his work.


No, he peaked with middle school recess. It's been all downhill since with adulthood being nothing but a giant bag of suck.


do you just dislike ryan phillippe? why? he's a great actor and find his movies worth watching. i don't see why you post bad remarks about him within his board page.


If you hate him so much, stay off his page.


Although these pages aren't just for fans, the OP's post is silly.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


I'm aware of that. I just don't see the point of coming on here just to bash an actor. Clearly people that do that have way too much time on their hands. I know not everyone is gonna like the same celebrities and that's fine.


I don't think everyone is jealous. but really his career is not that big.
he is still in the business. but his career really didn't take off that much.
he seems kinda bland to me. not speaking of LOOKS. just not much screen Charisma.
