MovieChat Forums > Michelle Pfeiffer Discussion > Ugly in the 80s but got better with age

Ugly in the 80s but got better with age

She was not good wen touted in the 1980s but recent pics are good. Aged into her looks. She is no Grace Park for sure. But who is?


I thought the best way to remember her on her birthday is to watch her films. So I took Cheri and wow! At 50 years (as it was shot in 2008) she's beaming! Even with that makeup, and looks great! And she made my heart flutter too😍
 belated!


i thought she looked best in the 90s and 00s. Into the 2010's she seems to be aging quite badly.

She's looking like joan allen.

Can this really be the be stuck inside of mobile
with the Memphis blues again.


Ugly in the 80's? I normally don't ask this but are you high?

She was exceptionally pretty back back then and has only gotten better with age.

Sure some of her movies weren't the best like "Grease 2" and "Ladyhawke" but my first real introduction to her was in the John Landis comedy, "Into the Night" and she was very pretty back then.

Sure movies like "Batman Returns" where she played Catwoman in a body hugging rubber suit were good and she looked stunning as Queen Titania in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" but to say that she was ugly in the 80's means you have no idea what ugly really is.


Ladyhawk is a CLASSIC fantasy film, with perhaps the most terrible and poignant curse EVER. What the fuck is wrong with you, Kaos?


Ugly, Lol. Pfeiffer stunning from the day she was born!


She didn't make a good movie until Scarface, but she still looked absolutely stunning in earlier films like Grease 2, Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen (awful film but Pfeiffer has rarely been as adorable and cute) and Falling in Love Again (an even worse film than the aforementioned, but Pfeiffer once again is enchantingly beautiful).


Scarface “a good movie”?🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

I suppose it is if you wear your pants down around your ankles and don’t know how to hold a handgun.


I don't get all the Scarface hate. Just because some gangsta rappers like the film, doesn't mean it's bad.

And yes, it IS excessive, and the main character IS a COMPLETE scumbag (although even he has a moment of decency, when he refuses to go through with a killing that would take out a politician's young children), but that's kind of the entire point. And, the truth is, these people exist.


I won't say she was ugly in the 80s. However, she did become super sexy and hot once she was in her 30s with films like Batman Return and The Fabulous Baker Boys. It is now in the last 15 years or so her looks started to fade. She is still a very attractive woman for her age and I am not trying to put her down, but for me it is just unfair for a nice and very attractive person such as Michelle, its a shame that her youthful looks have now faded. I wish she could have stayed the way she did in Batman till the end.


She was a cutie in the 1980s a right knocknot she is 10 times hotter to when she was in her 20s she is nearly 60 and still a hottie she is gotten hotter as she is got older i liked her in grease 2 she had the bad girl look about her where Olivia Newton John had the good girl look about her.


I never remember her looking bad. In in roles she wasn't supposed to be.
