MovieChat Forums > Jack Nicholson Discussion > How big was his role in The Last Tycoon?

How big was his role in The Last Tycoon?

This seems to be Jack's forgotten film. At least for me it is. Amazing to think of all the great names in this film yet no-one bothers with it now. How big a part did Jack have?


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hey, it was a very brief but important role.

him and DE NIRO actually get into a punch up.

btw, i recommend the movie. if they had cast somebody else instead of the cold and sterile INGRID BOULTING, the film would have atleast been a minor classic.

Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff - Harvey Pekar.


He sits down in 1976 to act with Robert DeNiro and they just putz around for ten minutes. It's a real disappointment.

The film itself is okay. It does have a tremendous cast, but they all have an average of one minute of screen time, DeNiro excepted.


i saw the movie recently, and it's not worth bothering with. jack didn't seem to be happy being in it. a very small role for him, more like 5 to 10 min.


He had one scene - he played ping pong and then they got into a fight (he & Deniro) - Nicholson won fight because Deniro was drunk.


The best part of the film is when Nicholson is in it. Brief but terrific scenes.
