MovieChat Forums > Jack Nicholson Discussion > "Five Easy Pieces" is awful!

"Five Easy Pieces" is awful!

I'm a huge fan of Jack's, but was shocked at how awful this film was. The plot seemed like one aimless, winding story that seemed to go nowhere. I was also surprised to read that Jack received an Oscar nod for his role. His role was explosive, but a nomination? I don't think so.

Jesus is coming. Look busy.


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You're crazy :) Five Eaay Pieces is a fantastic movie.


I agree with the OP, and apart from the diner scene which was funny and gave me a chuckle, the movie was indeed pretty pointless. he had a wife that he treated terribly, then ditched her in the end, and had a life that didn't seem to go anywhere. the moie never had him develop as a person, he just sorta stayed the same loser he was in the beginning. an interesting look into the 70's cinema, sure, but hardly a movie that you would want to watch again. it was...lame.


I think we will agree to disagree on this one. Five Easy Pieces is a wonderful movie. I really truly love it, I identify with it very much. Why?

The movie is about being dissatisfied with what you've been given. Nicholson's character comes from a well to do, classical musical family. A nice, large home, upper West Coast. On an island! On paper, it sounds ideal, yet then why is Bobby Dupea working beneath his upbringing, on an oil rig, with a dimwit girlfriend whom he's knocked up? Sounds like he was unhappy with his "lavish" life of playing piano. That sounds kind of superficial. But why?

Because some people are just born feeling unfulfilled with the life they lead. Money and success are not always enough to make people happy (myself included, which is why I feel connected to the film). I thought it was a very honest look at a person who does what they do, even though nobody seems to understand why.

Can you imagine what it must be like to grow up into adulthood living a life you don't feel satisfied with? Wanting something else, something more? But not knowing what it is you want... So you wander and walk away, hoping to find some kind of satisfaction and fulfillment in doing something else, until that gets old too?

My biggest setback in my life is myself, much like Bobby Dupea's is Bobby Dupea. Never feeling satisfied is a difficult thing to understand, but there are people out there who do, and Five Easy Pieces is a fine example of showing that, without trying to turn it into a sympathetic Pity Party. Dupea is never portrayed as a good guy, because he's not, really.

I'm sorry you don't like the movie. I do. And that's okay :)


Five Easy Pieces is not Hollywood fluff. It is 70s cinema at its challenging best. Nicholson plays a disturbed man with heart, who eventually decided that he has to keep it moving to try and find his purpose in life. Many people have been there. For those who haven't, it may be too much to comprehend. This film is uncompromising and hauntingly authentic.. You just need to understand it.


The movie is great but must be evaluated in terms of the era . The movie was an important statement on the seventies. To view a movie without context is silly. Not all opinions are equal. I would take almost any movie made in the seventies over the formulaic crap Hollywood is making now.


It is, I agree. I don't like the exaggerated hick girl and hippie chick characters at all. Jack Nicholson is the best thing about it.
