Tell your story

I hadn't read anything by King since Christine back in the 80's.
I picked up Bag of Bones second hand about 12 years ago and I was returned to reading Stephen King. I loved this story and couldn't put it down.
After that I went to car boot sales and charity shops and bought everything I could find by the man. I read and read and read and still think I've only read a small percentage of his output. Most were big hits with me and some surprising misses.
For instance I never finished It, got 2/3 and then put it down.
The Shining, I read one chapter.
The Stand too.
Weirdly they all had me enraptured on screen.
But so many I enjoyed so very much.
Bag of Bones wasn't my favourite but it reintroduced me to this amazing writer.
What's your story?


Like charliekelly, I've never read any of his novels. My introduction to Mr. King can only be credited to my wonderful mother. I hadn't thought about this so thank you for this thread. It lead me to a great discovery of a memory I had forgotten. I've always been scared. Of everything. I've grown out of most of this now, but back then I was terrified of everything. I can't remember my age but it was before my mother got sick so 8-9. I'm running to the kitchen to get something or maybe I'm running outside and I notice my mother watching something. She's got her broom in one hand, jeans on and long sleeved shirt, but sleeves pushed up. She says to me, Heyy watch this with me. Its a good movie. I said what I always say, Is it scary and she says Not really.

It was Carrie.

I was pretty scared the whole movie, but I watched one of her favorite movies with her. Of course now I love several King films and I can't thank her enough for introducing me to him.

P.S. Nice that you asked about me! I've always enjoyed you :D Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.


Hey, I'm glad to see you back and posting again😊 it's nice it brought back memories, I love that you describe her stance and what she's wearing on that day.
How is your mum now? Is she still with us?
Funnily enough it was my mum who introduced me to King! She bought me Christine for a birthday present, I have no idea if she knew what it was about or if she liked him herself. I wish I had asked now.
I find myself thinking that a lot nowadays, regretting not being more interested in older family members and now they're not here to ask.

I was a scaredy cat too, still am over some things! But I do like horror now, provided it's reasonably well done and not of the Human Caterpillar variety😰


She passed away from ovarian cancer when I was 12, on Valentines Day of 99. She had turned 40 the past November. I wonder about that too, along with a lot of other things. I never thought to ask anything when I was a kid. Now I'm fascinated by stories and would love nothing more than to talk to her for a few hours and just get wrapped up in her life. That's wild that your mum also introduced you to King! :D

My daughter loves horror, maybe I should show her Carrie. Hahaha, yeah I haven't seen that film but I know the gist of it. Eww.


I'm so sorry, that's awfully young to lose your mother and for your mother to pass away at 40 is heartbreaking, your life is just beginning at 40 in many ways.
Cancer is so bloody cruel, my mum was 54 and it was in her stomach.A silent but nonetheless deadly assassin that cut her down within 3 months of diagnosis. I was 24 at the time and that was 30 years ago, I became her age this year.

What kind of questions would you ask if you could have an hour or two?


Thank you Dazed. It was a terrible thing to deal with, being young and having everyone tell me She's fine, everything is gonna be okay. I always say that is was tougher on my brother, who was 9 at the time. He's well adjusted now but it took awhile. I often wonder how she might light up at the sight of my daughter especially during those toddler years when everything they do and say is precious. Cancer is so awful! I hate to hear that about your mother too. Mine died within six, maybe 8 months of it being discovered. It really is deadly and honestly, not fair what people who have cancer deal with.

Oh man! I'd want to know all about her favorite things. Of course I know certain things just from memories of her like she loved a Coke classic 20oz with dinner, I don't think I ever saw that woman drink out of a cup. I'd want to know more about her favorite movies and favorite books. I'd love to know the story of my half brother I've never met. (She put him up for adoption at 17) I'd probably ask about her love/sex life. So many things that I never got the chance to even fathom when I was a kid. I'd ask her if she was happy. I hope she was in some way. :)


King has been hit or miss with me, especially lately. About the only King stories I started and didn't finish were '1922' and 'Delores Claiborne'.

While I finished it, 'The Shining' didn't really appeal to me.

'The Stand' is my favorite King book by far and one of my all-around favorites by any author.
