MovieChat Forums > Nicole Kidman Discussion > Mrs. Kidman's board is suspicious

Mrs. Kidman's board is suspicious

Why are there only 4 pages of discussion threads, as far as I can see? Why are there only softcore and/or positive conversations happening about her career? I've rarely known imdb boards to save such a vulnerable target from internet troll abuse.

Is her PR team scouring her IMDb message board and having content removed? It would not be surprising, given the purported behaviours and criminal acts of her father Antony. The implications of her relationship to him are ripe for discussion, and yet there is nothing of the sort here.

Unless of course everyone on the internet loves Nicole Kidman, which would be the first unanimous consensus of its kind. She is very polarising.

Curious is all.


LOL, the supposed rumor about Anthony was so ridiculous, it wasn't even a D-list blind item. Wasn't it a nameless internet forum initially "report" that?

The reason why she's getting relatively less hatred nowadays is simply that she's not in her prime anymore. They have other young actors to make fun of.

And IMDb doesn't keep a lot of its old threads. I'm surprised you didn't know that. I guess Reese Witherspoon's PR team is even worse because she only has 2 pages of threads?


Criminal acts based on what evidence?? Based on what substantiated police report /official complaint??? based on what court ruling?,

Substantiate your facts before sprouting some nonsense floated around on fraud news websites that feed idle gossip mongers their daily dose of perversions.

Also, just because he passed away that doesn't mean an investigation is dropped, if there was any credible evidence family members, business partners and colleagues can be pursued for justice and compensation.

“Am I any good in this movie?", alleged Nicole Kidman quote- Australia Premiere 2008


She`s not Mrs Kidman , she`s actually Mrs Urban . Kidman is her maiden name so she would Ms Kidman.


The mostly positive topics on Nicole's board bothers you? Oh dear. Not everyone who comes on IMDb behaves like a juvenile. As for your outrageous comments about Nicole's father, i wont even feed your troll like behavior with any response.

If you are looking for users who abuse each other and argue over topics then the Beyonce board should make you feel right at home.


VERY suspicious, especially regarding that botox work she had done on her face last night, and not one thread about it, I've never even SEEN someone so waxy before. Very strange indeed.

ATTN: Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!


haha I agree. Looked like a 3D printed object that moved.
