MovieChat Forums > Samuel L. Jackson Discussion > Samuel L. Jackson = Racist PoS Thug Demo...

Samuel L. Jackson = Racist PoS Thug Democrat

Jackson is your typical racist thug Democrat. As such, I won't support any of his films.


Then don't watch his movie and stop crying like a little bitch..


At least he never kidnapped anyone.


This website is crazy.

A conservative celebrity says some dumb shit about liberals, and he's a hero. A liberal celebrity says some dumb shit about conservatives, and he's a racist scumbag who needs to be boycotted.

I don't support what Jackson said but why does being left-leaning automatically make you a racist scumbag piece of shit? I know conservatives hate it when everyone assumes they're racist and homophobic simply because they're Trump supporters.


I hear a lot of animosity between these liberals and conservatives.
Is their a list of core values and beliefs somewhere ?

Because it seems to me each will accuse the other of anything.


Some crybaby little pussies can't accept that-

1. This is a democracy, for free speech
2. Other people are legally allowed to have opinions of their own

Go back to mummy's womb, pathetic little c**t


It is supposed to be a democracy.
We are supposed to have free speech.

If Tom Cruise would have said publicly that he wished that any shooter would have been a black guy instead of a white guy, what would happen?


We don't all have the freedom to hate outloud like Sammy the kidnapper does.

It's still funny when he says MFer.


He is a very mean and ugly person.
