Proof On Why Ron Howard Is Annoying
He seems like a nice guy but, he annoys the crap out of me because he tends to jump on the bandwagon of mainstream goings-on and other people's ideas. To back up my argument somewhat:
1. CINDERELLA MAN - Let's make a glorious boxing movie the year after Million Dollar Baby wins best picture
2. ED TV - Let's make a movie about a guy who's life is a TV show, right after the popularity of The Truman Show
3. THE DA VINCI CODE - Let's make a movie about that really popular book that is selling millions of copies
4. A BEAUTIFUL MIND - Let's take an important issue such as schitzophrenia and simplify it by making the character have three imaginary people follow him around. And exploit it even more by making the delusions a plot twist.
5. FAR AND AWAY - Let's make a movie using the biggest married couple in Hollywood
But having said that, I absolutely looooove some of his movies like SPLASH, COCOON and even his more recent FROST/NIXON. But there's just something niggling at me telling me he probably made the latter after watching All The President's Men one too many times.
Does anyone else agree or am I just being a prick?