MovieChat Forums > Anne Heche Discussion > Drugs and bad genes?

Drugs and bad genes?

Why did she die?


Probably smoke inhalation. She was trapped in a burning car for about an hour, and that will deep-fry your lungs from the inside.


She drove very fast, before the smoke. What caused her to do that?


We will never know. Maybe she was just upset about something, maybe she was late, maybe she was a terrible driver, maybe the known bipolar disorder was telling her it was a great idea to drive recklessly. Bipolar disorder can do that, during a Manic episode EVERYTHING seems like a good idea, even driving 100 miles an hour over the speed limit.


Sounds similar to that nurse who drove over 100 mph and through a cold red light, killing how many?


She was running from a previous accident where she hit an apartment building or something or other. And then while she was there someone took a picture of her before she took off and you could see a bottle of booze in the car. Whether it was full or empty who knows? Why she hit the first building, who knows? But that seems to be why she was speeding away like a maniac. But then again she might have been driving like a maniac when she hit the first building so who knows?


She saw a picture of you and didn't want to continue living


Understandable. So bad genes and a bout of jealousy.


Bout of nausea more like it 🤣
